Contact Us

Clergy and Religious

Rev. John M. Norman, Pastor    Ext. 301
Rev. Frank Baumert, Senior Associate Pastor    Ext. 302

Deacon Dennis Wiehn 402-843-0182
Deacon John Starman, Ext. 303 or 402-843-8393
Sister Patricia Hoffman, SSSF (retired) 402-843-5461

Office Email:
Office Phone:  402-843-2345  

Emergency Only:  402-578-0626

Parish Staff and Extensions:

John Starman ext 303
Director of Operations: Contact with questions regarding buildings on any campus.
Sarah Hemenway
Business Manager
Ann Kurpgeweit ext 310
Executive Assistant
Becky Kerkman ext 304
Evangelization Coordinator, Sacraments:
Contact Becky to schedule any sacrament, to receive a copy of any sacramental records, or with questions regarding evangelization, youth ministry and retreats.
Tonya Kallhoff
Bookkeeper for Southern Parishes
Helen Larson ext 307
Bookkeeper for Northern Parishes
Dorothy Brandt
Secretary & Bookkeeper for Neligh 402-887-4521
Ruth O’Brien
Bookkeeper for Tilden – 402-368-7710
Jeanne Dahl
Parish Office Receptionist main office in Petersburg
If you call the Parish Office 402-843-2345, you will talk to Jeanne!
She can connect you to where you need to go.
Clarissa Stuhr ext 305
Office Manager & Communications: bulletin, website, social media
Hank Thieman
Parish Office Maintenance